Youth Engaged in Wetlands (YEW) is proud to announce the publication of its first survey report: "Status, Challenges and Aspirations of Wetland Youth".
The report consists of the results from the YEW survey conducted in 2020 and 12 case studies developed for all Ramsar regions based on in-depth interviews with a selection of survey respondents. The report is a testimony to the interest and aspirations of youth working in wetlands. While the report is currently only available in English, we hope to translate it soon in French and Spanish.
In the report, we look at and discuss the demographics of youth working in wetlands, what type of wetlands they are working on, what motivates them and what kind of barriers they face in their work. We also look into the relevance of Ramsar Sites and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands for youth initiatives and their work and how these efforts have overarching benefits towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Delve into this report now by clicking on the report on the right!