Today, in honor of World Wetlands Day, Youth Engaged in Wetlands, Wetlands International and Power of Wetland Ambassadors are happy to share this special poem celebrating the #PowerOfWetlands.

But that’s not all!
Today, we are launching a two-week-long consultation on a Draft Open Letter, which calls for the Power of Wetlands to be better recognized and integrated into climate processes.
About the Open Letter
The objective of this Open Letter is to push for greater integration of wetlands into climate plans and better recognition of their services to people and nature in the context of countries’ commitments under the UNFCCC’s 2015 Paris Agreement.
About the consultation process
From the 2nd of February to the 16th of February midnight UTC, the Open Letter is open to consultation. Through this consultation process, we wish to gather the input of young people and youth groups working across sectors to strengthen this Open Letter and provide a united voice for wetlands. Following the consultation process, the Drafting Team will compile and review all the comments received. Once Finalised, the Open Letter will be opened for endorsements by individuals and groups.
Read the Draft Open letter here.
Join the consultation by filling out the following Google Form.
Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us at
About the Drafting Team
This poem and draft open letter is brought to you by a dedicated team of Power of Wetland Ambassadors and Youth Engaged in Wetlands members and with the support of Wetlands International. This team met for the first time through the Youth Dialogue on Wetlands and Climate Action (October 2020).
The Drafting Team members are: Leonard Agan (PoW Ambassador), Elise Allély-Fermé (YEW), Hugo Ferreira (PoW Ambassador), Jayson Salenga (PoW Ambassador), Bidhya Sharma (YEW), and Frankie Turk (PoW Ambassador). Following the first round of consultation, we would also like to recognize and thank Rizza Estadola, Tanvi Hussain, Nicholas Karani, Dhaval Pandya, Priyanka Sarkar for their thoughtful inputs and suggestions.